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Steel Extension Springs
Steel Extension Springs Designed to maintain tension between two points, these springs extend when one or both points pull way from the other. They are wound with an initial tension that holds coils tightly together until subjected to a force great enough to pull them apart.
Item Overall Length Spring O.D. Wire Dia. Load Lbs. Defl. & Load Rate lbs/inch I.T. Lbs

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GPI9654161KS 4" 37/64" 0.072" 20.10 1.99" 7.56 5.05

GPI9654159KS 4" 41/64" 0.080" 24.46 1.87" 9.72 6.29

GPI9654158KS 4" 47/64" 0.092" 31.18 1.74" 12.90 8.72

GPI9654157KS 4" 27/32" 0.106" 40.77 1.59" 18.34 11.62

GPI9654156KS 4" 31/32" 0.121" 51.86 1.47" 25.00 15.14

Qty EA

GPI9654179KS 6" 37/64" 0.072" 20.08 3.42" 4.40 5.05

GPI9654178KS 6" 41/64" 0.080" 24.45 3.28" 5.54 6.29

GPI9654177KS 6" 47/64" 0.092" 31.09 2.98" 7.52 8.72

GPI9654176KS 6" 27/32" 0.106" 40.69 2.75" 10.57 11.62

GPI9654175KS 6" 31/32" 0.121" 51.57 2.53" 14.43 15.14

GPI9654721KS 7" 1-3/8" 0.207" 163.04 0.74" 71.55 57.61

GPI9654142KS 8" 37/64" 0.072" 20.08 4.90" 3.07 5.05

GPI9654141KS 8" 41/64" 0.080" 24.45 4.50" 4.04 6.29

GPI9654139KS 8" 47/64" 0.092" 31.38 4.39" 5.16 8.72

GPI9654138KS 8" 27/32" 0.106" 40.68 3.98" 7.31 11.62

Qty EA

GPI9654137KS 8" 31/32" 0.121" 51.56 3.74" 9.76 15.14

GPI9654723KS 8-1/2" 1" 0.106" 33.42 7.14" 3.60 7.73

GPI9654725KS 8-3/4" 1-7/8" 0.244" 178.99 2.29" 50.01 64.46

GH206BSP 4-3/8" 1" 3/16"

Qty EA

GN2ST8125564 8-1/2" 1" 0.135"        
