Replacement Parts and Remanufacturing Services for Screen Printer
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Phone: 773-725-4900

Achieve like-new performance and results at a fraction of the cost

Remanufactured vacuum tables from Graphic Parts International fit all screen printing presses from any manufacturer and can be used in any industrial application in which surface flatness is critical. Our experienced technicians can reskin your exiting vacuum tables, or we can take them as trade-ins for new or rebuilt vacuum tables.

Send us your old vacuum table, regardless of condition. It doesn't matter if the surface is warped, scratched, or pitted; the frame bent or cracked; or the air holes clogged. In most cases G.P.I technicians can restore it to meet its original specifications.
Our comphrensive remanufacturing services include:
  • Replacement of top sheets
  • Framework repair
  • Alteration/modification of vacuum area
  • Addition of registration or lift pins
  • Addition of threaded inserts
  • Replacement of aluminum surface plates with stainless steel.

G.P.I. remanufactured vacuum tables provide like-new performance and results at a fraction of the cost of new vacuum tables. They meet or exceed all OEM specifications for flatness, smoothness, and durability, and provide long-lasting quality production.
  • Meet or exceed OEM standards for flatness, smoothness, and durability
  • Thickest gauge plate in the industry
  • Unsurpassed finish quality
  • Honeycomb core for uniform airflow from edge to edge
  • Superior strength-to-weight ratio
  • Rust free, non-oxidizing, anti-static
  • Custom anodized finishes available
  • Wide range of options available

Built to withstand long-term use in production environments, our remanufactured vacuum tables consistently deliver the performance and durability customers have come to rely on from Graphic Parts International