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Fiberglass PVC-Coated Hose
Fiberglass PVC Coated Hose

This General Purpose hose is vinyl coated for easy flow and abrasion resistance. Applications include warm and cool air flow, ventilation noncorosive fume removal and for exhausting dust. The cover is constructed from double-ply, flame retardant, PVC-coated fiberglass. It is reinforced with permanently bonded spring steel wire helix and finished with overall vinyl coating. Can be used within a temperature range from -20°F to 200°F. GPI's fiberglass PVC-coated hose can be compressed to 40% of its extended length. It is not recommended for use with liquids or abrasive materials. Maximum continuous length is 25', please indicate length when ordering.

Item Hose I.D. Working Pressure Vacuum Rating

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GPIH2F 2" 7.5 psi 20" Hg

Quantity: Length:

GPIH3F 3" 5.5 psi 11" Hg

Quantity: Qty EA Length:

GPIH4F 4" 4.5 psi 7" Hg

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GPIH5F 5" 3.5 psi 4" Hg

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GPIH6F 6" 2.8 psi 2.2" Hg

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GPIH7F 7" 2.2 psi 1" Hg

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GPIH8F 8" 1.8 psi .7" Hg

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GPIH9F 9" 1.5 psi .5" Hg

Quantity: Qty EA Length:

GPIH10F 10" 1.2 psi .3" Hg

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GPIH12F 12" 1 psi .2" Hg

Quantity: Qty EA Length:

GPIH14F 14" .6 psi .1" Hg

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