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Untitled Document VNH Exposing Equipment

GPI only supplies quality "specific U.V. output" lamps designed for proper screen emulsion exposure. All lamps are long life style for maximum usage and proper color spectrum rated. Lamps can be used in any exposing unit as lengths and proper ballasts are used in combination
Fluorescent Lamp Order Diagram

*Note: Lamp lengths listed below are standard trade sizes. Actual lamp lengths may very slightly.


When ordering your lamp, measure from tip to tip. (Not Including prongs)

To ensure that your lamp order is correct, please include the lamp number usually found on the lamp in the area located in the above diagram.
Lamp Length
Lamp Diameter

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GV2-XXXXX 24" (22") Fluorescent Exposing Lamp HO 1 1/2" (38 mm)
GV2-XXXXXX 36" (34") Fluorescent Exposing Lamp HO 1 1/2" (38 mm)
GV2-XXXXXX 48" (46") Fluorescent Exposing Lamp HO 1 1/2" (38 mm)
GV2-XXXXXX 72" (70") Fluorescent Exposing Lamp HO 1 1/2" (38 mm)