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Safety Covers for Springs
Safety is always our top priority at Graphic Parts International, Inc. and we continually design and implement new solutions to protect personnel and equipment.

Our Safety Sleeve Spring Covers were developed to cover high-tension springs, reducing hazards to machines and operators in the event of spring breakage. Over time springs will fatigue, increasing the risk of breakage. In some situations the broken spring may recoil unpredictably and pieces may become airborne.

When installed properly, G.P.I. Safety Sleeve Spring Covers fully cover the springs and prevent broken springs from injuring workers or damaging stock or equipment. These covers will work with most t-shirt printing presses, drying and storage racks, or any high-tension spring up to 1-1/4" in diameter.

To install, make sure the Safety Sleeve is long enough to cover the entire spring and that both ends are secured. This will keep any broken springs in safely in place.
Item Description Overall Length Diameter

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GPIPMS2ONE Solvent-Resistant Mesh Safety Sleeve High-Tension Spring Cover - Green color Max. 3' Ft. Length (91 cm) Up to 1 - 1/4" Spring Diameter

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