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   Main > Dryer Reflectors - U.V > Highly Polished Blemish-Free Reflective Sheeting
Highly Polished Belmish-Free Reflective Sheeting
UV Dryer Reflector

GPI has been manufacturing many types of U.V. Dryer Reflectors and Reflection Inserts for over 35 years. You can buy reflector inserts 3 different ways:

  1. By the running foot (flat)
  2. By the exact size you require, cut to size (per sq. ft)
  3. By the exact size you require, cut to size (per sq. ft) and pre-bent and "rolled" to the exact shape you need.

For a quote on any of the three above, e-mail us the size by filling out the dimension form and sending it in.

NOTE: GPI uses heavy duty material which will extend the life of the reflector due to the high heat

Item Description

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GPI973025R U.V. reflective sheet, high polished, blemish free, for use in any U.V. Dryer. Ready reflective sheeting with hard protective coating. Sheets are sold by the running foot.
Standard max. sheet size: 24" x 96" (61cm x 2.43 meters) x .025" (.635mm thick)

Qty RF

GPI973025SF U.V. reflective sheet, high polished, blemish free, for use in any U.V. Dryer. Ready to use with hard protective coating. Sheets sold cut to size per square foot..
Standard max. sheet size: 24" x 96" (61cm x 2.43 meters) x .025" (.635mm thick)

Qty SF

GPI973025BSQ U.V. reflective sheet, high polished, blemish free, for use in any U.V. Dryer. Ready to use with hard protective coating. Sheets sold cut to size, per square foot, and pre-bent to required shape..
Standard max. sheet size: 24" x 96" (61cm x 2.43 meters) x .025" (.635mm thick)

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