Replacement Parts and Remanufacturing Services for Screen Printer
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GPI973025R U.V. reflective sheet, high polished, blemish free, for use in any U.V. Dryer. Ready reflective sheeting with hard protective coating. Sheets are sold by the running foot.
Standard max. sheet size: 24" x 96" (61cm x 2.43 meters)
GPI973025SF U.V. reflective sheet, high polished, blemish free, for use in any U.V. Dryer. Ready to use with hard protective coating. Sheets sold cut to size per square foot.
Standard max. sheet size: 24" x 96" (61cm x 2.43 meters)
GPI973025BSQ U.V. reflective sheet, high polished, blemish free, for use in any U.V. Dryer. Ready to use with hard protective coating. Sheets sold cut to size, per square foot, and pre-bent to required shape.
Standard max. sheet size: 24" x 96" (61cm x 2.43 meters)

per/sq. ft

per/sq. ft

per/sq. ft

GPI has manufactured dryer reflectors for many different manufactures. By specifing the manufacturer, we are able to put our knowledge from years of experience in making the requested reflector for your machine..
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