Replacement Parts and Remanufacturing Services for Screen Printer
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Please provide us with the correct specifications we need to manufacture the correct squeegee holder or floodbar for your application. Please make sure you are logged into the website first!

Filling out the Form: or Download Now
  1. Select the product type, then choose your unit of measure.
  2. Choose the material type for your squeegee holder or floodbar.
  3. Select the manufacturer of your machine.
  4. Measure your squeegee holder or floodbar, end to end, and provide the length (See Diagram A). If you are ordering a wing-tip floodbar, please measure along the crease, end to end, and without the wings (See Diagram A2).
  5. Please indicate the number of the notches for your product. Then, for each notch, measure its' width, from end to end. By standard, all notches are 2" wide. Finally, measure from it's center, to the end of the squeegee holder or floodbar. (See Diagram B)
  6. Specify quantity and part number (if known).

For Spanish speaking customers, please click here

Product Type: Unit of Measure: Diagram A:

Diagram A2:

Diagram B:
Squeegee Holder
Material Type:
Aluminum Stainless Steel
Wing-Tip? (if ordering floodbar):
Yes No
Equipment Manufacturers
A.W.T. American Anatol Argon DeBuit
Exelon Printers Filbar Presses Lawson M&M
M&R MHM Progressive Sias
Svecia Thieme Tuf
Overall Length:
Number of Notches (3 max):
If you would like your notch to be Standard sized, please select the checkbox next to it.
  Width Position
Notch #1:
Notch #2:
Notch #3:
Qty: Part No. (if known):
GPI has manufactured floodbars and squeegeholders for many different manufactures. By specifing the manufacturer, we are able to put our knowledge from years of experience in making specific replacement floodbars and squeegeholders for your machine..
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