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Squeegee Holder JoystikTM

Squeegee Holder Joy Stik

Maintain even squeegee pressure

Our unique pivot point forces the squeegee to maintain perfect uniform pressure from end-to-end every time.
Reduce printers fatigue
The squeegee glides evenly on hardened steel roller bearings, eliminating most of the drag on the operator's hand from pulling and pushing the squeegee
Helps prevent carpal tunnel syndrome
Unique handle helps eliminate carpal tunnel syndrome which is caused by flexing your wrist while printing
Increases production output
In addition to all of these benefits, your production output increases over 30 percent.
Improve print quality
Because you have total control of your squeegee, your print quality improves to be as good as possible.
Uniform printing pressure
The squeegee is guided over your print area exactly where needed. The unique handling assures exact pressure control needed to help control proper ink deposit.
Perfect squeegee angle
Adjust squeegee to any desired angle for perfect prints every time
We manufacture 2 different sizes. The 35" long unit is perfect for the Rototex with 15" x 16" pallets & the larger size 45" for the Rototex with 18" x 22" pallets.
With special brackets The Joystik will work with other machines.

Item Dimension

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ROTO-JS-GA1 JoystikTM for American RotoTex II, 35" Length, w/ 15" wide Squeegee Holder

Qty EA

ROTO-JSL-GA1 JoystikTM for American RotoTex II, 45" Length, w/ 18" wide Squeegee Holder

Qty EA

SH-144-GA1 Extra Squeegee Holders

Qty IN

Attachments for other machines available! Give us a call, 1-773-725-4900
MISC Special Brackets For Other Manual T-Shirt Machines