Fiberlon™ - Constructed from Telflon* coated fiberglass. The optimum amount of Teflon resin along with very high quality woven fiberglass fabric give these belts their excellent characteristics. Resistant to chemicals and heat up to 500o F (287o C), dimensionally very stable, allowing maximum air flow for even drying. Available in Tan or Black** with widths up to 120" (305 cm).
*Teflon is a Registered Trademark of DuPont Co. Fiberlon is a Trademark of A.W.T. / G.P.I. **Black Belts are U.V. Resistant Coated which extends the life of the belt. Independent studies show that belts coated with U.V. Black retain a greater percentage of tensile strength than the conventional Tan. This coating is only available on Fiberlon™ belts.
All overstock belts are warrantied for 90 days after purchase.