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High Temperature Wire, Tape and Insulation

High Temperature Tape

Glass Cloth Electrical Tape
High temperature tape is a safe, easy low cost way to help track your conveyor belts. Acts like a "non-slip surface" so your belt stays in one place on your rolls and does not "drift off" forward __ of rollers. Once applied, it stays for years.
Item Description

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GPIEMS00124 High temperature glass cloth electrical tape 3/4" WIDTH x 66 FEET 22 YARD Class "B" Insulation


High Temperature Wire

High Temperature Wire
Use in internal wiring for industrial, commercial, and domestic heating equipment. For use in both dry and damp applications.

Note: When using high temperature wire, make sure you use the High Temp Tape designed to withstand those high wire & air temperatures.

Product Descriptions:
  • Type T.K.G.T. apparatus and motor lead wire.
  • Conductor: Stranded Nickel Plated Copper.
  • Insulation: Teflon TFE tape wrapped in concentric layers, a felted K-fiber wall, fiberglass braid with teflon fiish.
  • UL style 5214, 600 volt, 250º C

Item AWG Size No. Of Strands Glass Braid Thickness O.D. (inches)

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GPIWR24HT 24 7 .005 .07

GPIWR22HT 22 7 .005 .07

GPIWR20HT 20 10 .005 .08

GPIWR18HT 18 16 .005 .09

Qty FT

GPIWR16HT 16 26 .005 .10

GPIWR14HT 14 41 .005 .12

Qty FT

GPIWR12HT 12 65 .005 .14

Qty FT

GPIWR10HT 10 105 .005 .17

Qty FT

GPIWR08HT 8 133 .005 .21

Qty FT

GPIWR06HT 6 133 .007 .27

Qty FT

GPIWR04HT 4 133 .007 .33

GPIWR02HT 2 133 .007 .40

High Temperature Dryer Insulation

Dryer Insulation
High temperature tape is a safe, easy low cost way to help track your conveyor belts. Acts like a "non-slip surface" so your belt stays in one place on your rolls and does not "drift off" forward __ of rollers. Once applied, it stays for years.

Item Description

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GAO-HTFG-2448 High temperature fiberglass foil backed insulation, for dryers. 24" x 48" x 1" (61 x 122 x 2.54 cm)